Patrick Hardy

19 Posts Published


November 26, 2019


I am so thankful that my Lord and Saviour has led me to Living Waters Church. I arrived between what it once was – and what God is Molding it to be. Though there are no ladders, hard hats or tools around, it is always under construction, Like Me. God isn’t finished with it yet.

Honestly it is not perfect but I enjoy so much the laughter, acceptance and grace found among it’s people. You could easily make the mistake of thinking it’s a comfortable place of worship but I am grateful that it is more often a challenging place, where my faith is stretched. A place where the mirror of God’s Word and the Ministry Of The Holy Spirit leaves you breathless, blessed and burdened for more, more of God, that more of His Will would be done in and through the hearts and lives of all who gather. What a place to be… there’s always still room for one more. Consider yourself invited.

kevin C.